Study Design

Research Questions

What are the qualities of meaningful writing experiences as reported by seniors at three different types of institutions?

  • Are those meaningful/valuable experiences inside their majors/disciplines or out?
  • Do those experiences vary across our three institutions?

What might students’ perceptions of their meaningful writing experiences reveal about students’ learning?

  • Does that learning occur in multiple literacy communities in and out of classrooms?
  • Does that learning occur across the disciplines?
  • How are these experiences connected to students’ identities and disciplinarity?

What might faculty who offer the opportunities for students to gain meaningful writing experiences conclude about the teaching of writing across the disciplines?

  • Are faculty whose writing assignments are frequently cited found in high-level disciplinary classes or in general education?
  • Are faculty veteran or new? Comfortable with communication tasks? Active writers themselves?

Download the 2012 consent forms and the 2012 survey for The Meaningful Project